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In concert at Duke’s Hall, Royal Academy, London, November 2015 photo by Malcolm Pollock
Robert Dick at Duke’s Hall, Royal Academy of Music, London, November 2015 photo by Malcolm Pollock
Robert Dick, New York, Fall 2015 photo by Ben O’Brien Smith
New York, Fall 2015 photo by Ben O’Brien Smith
RD with Glissando Headjoint® photo by Fred George
RD with open-hole alto flute photo by Scott Friedlander
RD with contrabass flute, Merkin Hall, NY photo by Anibal Pella-Woo
Ursel Schlicht and Robert Dick photo by Ross Willows
RD in Kosovo – photographer unknown
RD at the British Flute Society Conventoin, Manchester photo by Carla Rees
playing bass flute at The Stone, NYC photo by Scott Friedlander
playing piccolo at The Stone, NYC photo by Scott Friedlander
RD and Ursel Schlict at Merkin Hall, NYC photo by Anibal Pella-Woo
with my trusty contrabass at Merkin Hall photo by Anibal Pella-Woo
“Playing Art” at the University of Iowa Gallery photo by Reggie Marshall