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In March 2014, Jimmy Fallon ridiculed me and my book THE OTHER FLUTE on the Tonight Show. The schtick was to make fun of authors whose names could be made fun of in a scatological way. While the “dick joke” per se, on rare occasions can be funny, the humor on the show was disappointing — junior high school level or worse. Since I wasn’t OK with being trashed in front of millions of viewers, I mounted a campaign to get invited on to the show and released a video response. Although more than 20,000 people wonderfully contacted The Tonight Show — there was no invitation, no answer at all.

In the end, I am gratified and humbled by the massive wave of support, making me feel that my life and work have truly made a difference. Thank you to everyone who contacted the show, who started or signed a petition or who forwarded my video and Facebook posts to spread the word. You rock my world!

Here’s where it started:

Do Not Read – THE OTHER FLUTE  (start at 2:20)

And here’s what I had to say:  ROBERT DICK RESPONDS TO JIMMY FALLON

My best ever version of Jimi Hendrix’s “Purple Haze” is in this video!